Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some thoughts for you....

I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog lately. I've been struggling with what thoughts to convey to you.
This is a hard time of year for some folks because they struggle with what they believe is the real reason for the Christmas season. And I guess in not wanting to offend anyone, I've put off writing anything. You see, I believe that Jesus is the real reason for Christmas, that He came as a gift to us all those years ago, and continues to come today as long as we make room in our hearts to let Him in.
A few weeks ago I was asked if I would be upset if there were no presents for me under the tree. My answer was "No, because I have already received the best gift, I have all of my children home at the same time and in the same place for the first time in 4 years!" There is no present that could be bought that can compare to that feeling.
Christmas is such a busy time of year, do people ever slow down enough to enjoy the day, or the season at all? I'm thinking not, because so many can't wait til it's all over. Maybe because the hype starts before Halloween? Maybe if we all slowed down and remembered that Thanksgiving takes place in November and should be recognized as more than just "turkey day" or the day before "black Friday" and the busiest shopping day of all. Maybe if we all would slow down our lives and try to go back to a simpler time and enjoy our families and friends. That would be my Christmas wish.
In a sermon at mass a few weeks ago, we heard that it shouldn't matter what another person thinks or believes,what they choose to display or not display, it only matters what is in our own hearts. I know what's in mine. Do you know what's in yours?
In closing, I would like to share a Christmas card that I received a few years ago. One of the doctors I worked with sent it and I was so touched by it that I kept it. Hope it touches you also. It's called Alphabet for Life and was written by Renee Stewart.

Accept differences     Be kind     Count your blessings      Dream      Express thanks
                  Forgive          Give freely          Harm no one        Imagine more
Jettison anger    Keep confidences    Love truly   Master something   Nurture hope
                 Open your mind    Pack lightly    Quell rumors       Reciprocate
Seek wisdom      Touch hearts       Understand        Value truth        Win graciously
                 Xeriscape        Yearn for peace      Zealously support a worthy cause

I hope you have all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a blessed and happy new year!

Monday, November 29, 2010

More Dinner.....

Back in July Chefy and I made the decision to change our dinner night from Friday to Saturday. This decision was based on complaints from our customers that they had tried to come for dinner but there weren’t any parking spaces in the lot. This was both a good problem and a bad problem to have. So we thought that if we changed to Saturday evenings there wouldn’t be any competition with the other business owners in the building for parking. This decision has given us the opportunity to meet many new customers; however, we seem to have lost the Friday “dinner” crowd.

Therefore, beginning this weekend, we will now be open Friday night AND Saturday night for dinner.

We are sorry for changing our hours again but we are hoping to find what works best for our customers as well as ourselves and our families.

                                                           NEW HOURS

                        MONDAY  -  CLOSED
                        TUESDAY  -  CLOSED
                        WEDNESDAY  - 9:00 AM  -  5:00 PM
                        THURSDAY  -  9:00 AM  -  5:00 PM
                        FRIDAY  -  9:00 AM  -  8:00 PM
                        SATURDAY  -  8:00 AM  -  8:00 PM
                        SUNDAY  - 8:00 AM  - 1:00 PM

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where, Oh Where is Nunnie's Place......

Many of you who have never been to Nunnie's Place have asked, "where is it" and "how do we get there"? So for those of you needing directions, here you go.

If you are coming from Washington, the easiest way to go is Route 18N to Hickory then take 50 to Cecil. Go all the way through Cecil to where the 2 lane begins to turn into the 4 lane. Get in the left hand turning lane and make a left turn onto Reissing Road. Make an immediate right and come down into the plaza. We are located in the right bottom corner.

If you are coming from Bridgeville (or getting off of the Bridgeville exit) go approximately 4 miles from the exit on 50, to where the 4 lane turns into the 2 lane. Stay in the right lane, make a right onto Reissing Road and another immediate right and come into the plaza.

The plaza I'm referring to is "Cecil Plaza". It is a two story beige stucco building with red trim. There is a sign on route 50 (red with white letters).

If you are still not sure give us a call at 412-257-2777 and we'll try to talk you through.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Some more of my favorite things......

Here are some more of our breakfast items along with one of my favorites....scones.
Italian Breakfast with Italian toast   
2-2-2 (2 eggs, 2 sausage patties, 2 slices of bacon) with wheat toast

Italian Scramble with Italian toast 

On Saturday and Sunday mornings I make scones. I have to admit.....I LOVE scones. It took me a while to find the "perfect" recipe, and from the number of scones we sell, I think I might have found it. I like to experiment with the flavors so you never know what we'll have. Here are a few pictures, but I have to say the pictures don't do them justice. you'll just have to come and try them yourself.
Currant scones with cinnamon and sugar 

Cranberry Pecan (bottom) and Cinnamon Chip (top)
Raspberry Almond with almond drizzle
Makes me hungry just looking at them!

Today's blog post is in memory of one of Nunnie's Place's regular customers, Ed Keller, who passed away this weekend. Our deepest sympathies to his wife Debbie and their family. We will surely miss you Ed! Tell the waitresses in heaven that you like your toast with extra, extra butter and double bleu cheese on the salad!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"More Breakfast"

A few months ago we decided to ask our customers how they thought we were doing, and if there was anything we could do better. Many of those responses asked for more breakfast. So at the end of September we changed our hours and began serving breakfast Wednesday thru Sunday. Here is a sample of what we do.......                                             
Veggie Omelet with home fries and marble rye

Bacon, egg and cheese croissant with home fries

Two Buttermilk Pancakes dusted with powdered sugar
 This is just a small sample of our breakfast items.......Check back soon for some more of our favorite things.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chefy Jr.?

Chefy and I don't like pre-packaged, pre-breaded, pre-cooked anything. We want to give our customers the feeling of "eating homemade" in Nunnie's dining room. Since we do make everything "to order" it sometimes takes us a few extra minutes. It never fails, that during an incredibly busy time, a table will order an appetizer that needs to be prepared from scratch then deep fried. One of those things is always "Pepperoni Rolls". And my usual response to Chefy is "where's Coltn when we need him?" Coltn is Chefy's four year old and already a master of the "pepioni rolls". Who knows....maybe one day father and son will both be "chefing" in Nunnie's kitchen!
Deep fried pepperoni rolls are served with our own marinara sauce and can be found under the "Getting Started" portion of our menu, along with a few other interesting things that "accidentally" found their way into the deep fryer.
Come hungry.....we think you'll be pleasantly surprised with our selections.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Fall!

For those of you that have never been by to see us, I took a few pictures to show you what Nunnie's looks like. I used the camera on my phone so the colors are not quite accurate. My sister does my decorating....she got her creative genes from our mom! A great big THANK YOU to them both, they make the place look great every season!
 My goal for this blogspot is not only to give you updates to what's happening at Nunnie's Place, but also to "virtually" share our menu with you. I will be taking photos of our regular menu items as well as our specials. We have a feeling you're gonna like what you see!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Getting started.....

A little about us....

Nunnie's Place is a small quaint restaurant offering home cooked comfort food at affordable prices. We have a full time chef, affectionately known as Chefy, and myself who some people refer to as Nunnie, much to my daughter's dismay. As she says "there was only one Nunnie" and I have to admit she's right, there was. We also have a few part-time waitresses to help out on the really busy days.
Owning a restaurant is simply a dream come true for me. The hours are long and the work is hard, but the amount of joy it brings to my life cannot be described in words. I have had many people tell me in the past 19 months how crazy I am for getting into the food business, but the journey has been worth it. I knew absolutely nothing of the restaurant business when I started (biggest reason why I hired a chef), and can honestly say I learn something every day. All I really knew was that I have a heart or passion for food, love to cook and try new recipes, and wanted to share that love with people. And I can say that it gives me real pleasure to see the looks on our customers faces when they taste our food. One of my biggest compliments came the other day when a frequent customer said that "eating at Nunnie's is like having breakfast in a friends kitchen." It was a wonderful feeling because that was one of the things we set out to accomplish!
Welcome to Nunnie's Place.....I hope you'll visit often.