Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chefy Jr.?

Chefy and I don't like pre-packaged, pre-breaded, pre-cooked anything. We want to give our customers the feeling of "eating homemade" in Nunnie's dining room. Since we do make everything "to order" it sometimes takes us a few extra minutes. It never fails, that during an incredibly busy time, a table will order an appetizer that needs to be prepared from scratch then deep fried. One of those things is always "Pepperoni Rolls". And my usual response to Chefy is "where's Coltn when we need him?" Coltn is Chefy's four year old and already a master of the "pepioni rolls". Who knows....maybe one day father and son will both be "chefing" in Nunnie's kitchen!
Deep fried pepperoni rolls are served with our own marinara sauce and can be found under the "Getting Started" portion of our menu, along with a few other interesting things that "accidentally" found their way into the deep fryer.
Come hungry.....we think you'll be pleasantly surprised with our selections.

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