Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some thoughts for you....

I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog lately. I've been struggling with what thoughts to convey to you.
This is a hard time of year for some folks because they struggle with what they believe is the real reason for the Christmas season. And I guess in not wanting to offend anyone, I've put off writing anything. You see, I believe that Jesus is the real reason for Christmas, that He came as a gift to us all those years ago, and continues to come today as long as we make room in our hearts to let Him in.
A few weeks ago I was asked if I would be upset if there were no presents for me under the tree. My answer was "No, because I have already received the best gift, I have all of my children home at the same time and in the same place for the first time in 4 years!" There is no present that could be bought that can compare to that feeling.
Christmas is such a busy time of year, do people ever slow down enough to enjoy the day, or the season at all? I'm thinking not, because so many can't wait til it's all over. Maybe because the hype starts before Halloween? Maybe if we all slowed down and remembered that Thanksgiving takes place in November and should be recognized as more than just "turkey day" or the day before "black Friday" and the busiest shopping day of all. Maybe if we all would slow down our lives and try to go back to a simpler time and enjoy our families and friends. That would be my Christmas wish.
In a sermon at mass a few weeks ago, we heard that it shouldn't matter what another person thinks or believes,what they choose to display or not display, it only matters what is in our own hearts. I know what's in mine. Do you know what's in yours?
In closing, I would like to share a Christmas card that I received a few years ago. One of the doctors I worked with sent it and I was so touched by it that I kept it. Hope it touches you also. It's called Alphabet for Life and was written by Renee Stewart.

Accept differences     Be kind     Count your blessings      Dream      Express thanks
                  Forgive          Give freely          Harm no one        Imagine more
Jettison anger    Keep confidences    Love truly   Master something   Nurture hope
                 Open your mind    Pack lightly    Quell rumors       Reciprocate
Seek wisdom      Touch hearts       Understand        Value truth        Win graciously
                 Xeriscape        Yearn for peace      Zealously support a worthy cause

I hope you have all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a blessed and happy new year!

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